BioInformant launches Digital Protection Services to protect website content and ensure competitors are not using trademarks, products or brand names to misdirect online business
Released on: November 19, 2007, 9:51 pm
Press Release Author: Dr. Douglas Jactern
Industry: Biotech
Press Release Summary: It is critical business act to ensure digital protection, because a website is a valuable business asset. BioInformant launches Digital Protection Services to help companies protect website content and ensure competitors are not using trademarks or brand names to misdirect online business.
Press Release Body: It is critical business act to ensure digital protection, because a website is a valuable business asset. Corporate websites function as an online "window" to the world, directing customers to product & marketing information and processing online sales.
In some cases, competitors may streamline development of their own website by using content from another company. Other competitors may purposefully replicate characteristics of a different company's site, in order to misdirect online customers to their own online destination. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, businesses have a right to protect website content, whether or not it has been registered.
Not monitoring for unauthorized use of digital content can result in reduction of online business, as well as loss of a unique online presence. To protect against this competitive threat, BioInformant offers the following services:
. Digital Copyright Search - BioInformant's Digital Copyright Search uses powerful algorithms to scan the Web for replication of a company's digital content, including recognizable components of it such as titles, text, layout or design. This search is a comprehensive scan that analyzes all published online content, in order to ensure complete protection of a company's electronic content. BioInformant specializes in providing this service to life science companies functioning in competitive market niches.
. Competitor Code Check (CCC) - BioInformant's Competitor Code Check allows a company to enter the websites of its fiercest competitors and have BioInformant scan their website code to ensure that they are not illegally using trademarks, product or brand names to misdirect online business. Every competitor's website has a title, description and keywords that are coded in its programming language (usually HTML). This coding is important for search engine optimization, so competitors may use another company's product or brand names for the purpose of intentionally misdirecting online traffic to their site. Because large competitor websites are impossible to monitor using manual methods, this service offers an effective way to ensure that online customers are appropriately routed when conducting online searches for a successful company\'s products or services.
For more information on BioInformant's Digital Protection Services, visit:
About BioInformant:
BioInformant supports life science clients by providing technology for making profitable business decisions. As one of the first firms to recognize how the Web transformed business decision-making, BioInformant specializes in designing search algorithms that extract information from the internet. We provide email mailing lists for targeting scientists by research area or geographic region, technology for tracking company product citations, competitor and industry monitoring services, and more.
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Contact Details: Dr. Douglas Jactern 4622 5th Street Arlington, VA (Phone) 202-390-2369 (Fax) 614-352-2369